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Bea. | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Greys and other dogs > Ben, after his win, meeting his supporters. This lady was reluctant to let Ben move on, she was a real dog lover.
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07-NOV-2008 Bea.

Ben, after his win, meeting his supporters. This lady was reluctant to let Ben move on, she was a real dog lover.


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Guest 22-Dec-2008 12:30
A touching moment, a real gift.
Guest 22-Dec-2008 12:30
A touching moment, a real gift.
Guest 22-Dec-2008 12:30
A touching moment, a real gift.
Guest 14-Nov-2008 16:49
Nice to see that as am a big dog lover also.
Guest 14-Nov-2008 04:31
You captured a great moment here Bea.
fotabug13-Nov-2008 23:26
and no wonder, he's a magnificent dog
Ruth Voorhis13-Nov-2008 23:17
I wouldn't let him go either.:-)
Guest 13-Nov-2008 04:17
This is beautiful Bea.
Laura Milholland13-Nov-2008 01:04
Great catch of an endearing moment, Bea.
paplvr12-Nov-2008 22:49
I can tell by how she touches him that she is relishing the moment. Very sweet. Linda S
Guest 12-Nov-2008 22:43
He looks like such a sweetie!
Barry Ailetcher12-Nov-2008 21:14
good shot everyone should be dog lovers
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