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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> 2008 Photo-A-Day Galleries By Month >> October 2008 > Hangin' In There 2
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23-OCT-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Hangin' In There 2

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fotabug06-Nov-2008 05:18
Yep, I like this cropped version better
Paul Milholland28-Oct-2008 03:48
I prefer the cropped version too.
Ann27-Oct-2008 10:11
I like this one better Pam. More emphasis on the anole with this closer crop.
Laura Milholland27-Oct-2008 02:46
I'm with Bea - both nice, this one maybe a tad better.
Guest 26-Oct-2008 12:13
I like this one much better, Pam. With the closer crop, the focus is is really on the anole, which is where it should be, as it is your subject.
Guest 26-Oct-2008 06:00
Pam, I like this one better as well. Nice one.
Bea.26-Oct-2008 04:28
They both look great, but perhaps the crop has the edge...just!
Ruth Voorhis26-Oct-2008 03:55
It's a great shot either way, Pam, but I prefer this version.
Nancy26-Oct-2008 02:34
I like the first but the crop is even better. The horizontal view set off the horizontal of the gecko.
You have such interesting critters!
paplvr26-Oct-2008 01:58
I like the crop, gets to the heart of the shot. Linda S
Guest 26-Oct-2008 01:12
They look almost identical, the seconod seems a bit sharper. It is still a great image.V
Barry Ailetcher26-Oct-2008 00:55
I liked it the way it was
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