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Guy Bruyea | all galleries >> Wildlife >> Insects > White-streaked Saturnia Moth (Saturnia albofasciata)
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White-streaked Saturnia Moth (Saturnia albofasciata)

San Jacinto Mts., California

The beautiful white-streaked Saturnia moth (Saturnia albofasciata) ranges from northern California to Baja California Norte, Mexico.
This uncommon moth is found in mountain chaparral communities on warm days (usually associated with seasonal Santa Ana wind conditions) in late October and early November.
The male (shown here) searches for female pheromones in the late afternoon hours during a brief crepuscular flight from approximately 1630 to 1730 PDST.
The males have a wingspan of approximately one inch. The very rarely observed females (see below and click) are mostly grayish, slightly larger and are nocturnal.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro Lens
1/100s f/8.0 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ashley Hockenberry22-Oct-2010 23:33
FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
robertoparmiggiani01-Jul-2010 10:00
joseantonio16-Jun-2010 19:28
Spectacular image
John Dicus28-Oct-2008 04:50
Heckuva shot Guy. Good to see you're out there shooting still. Nice even light here makes the shot for me. So soft and diffuse. And the composition doesn't hurt this image either. Great work with a very cool critter.
Patrick Luft27-Oct-2008 04:54
Superb! Crisp and sharp. -V