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Sam_C | all galleries >> Current >> Zoe Volume I+ > Autumn Surprise
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19-OCT-2008 Sam_Charupakorn

Autumn Surprise

While trekking through the autumn leaves,
I came face to face with this little munchkin! :)

Nikon D700 ,Hasselblad 110mm f/2 Planar via adapter
1/1600s f/2.0 iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real02-Dec-2008 00:11
What a find that was! The surroundings are a perfect complement for that wonderful little face ~V~
Jim's Atavistic Visions22-Nov-2008 01:15
You have a great model! No complaints! Beautiful colors! V!... Josefina
alfredo camba jr.18-Nov-2008 01:46
Cute and lovely portrait!! Very nice colors,details and lighting! V
XiaoBernard9908-Nov-2008 15:32
She is alone and the bad wolf can move to her!On her face We can see a not very happy looking.On the leaves she is so cute.
Lee G02-Nov-2008 19:07
I bet she ran kicking the leaves after this awesome shot! I know I would have.
~V~ !!
Sabine Stetson27-Oct-2008 03:18
zoe, the trooper....kicking the leaves...
beautiful, beautiful!!!!!!!:)
big V
an nguyen26-Oct-2008 18:17
The timeless classic beauty... Love the Autumn mood on this Baby image... :))
Giancarlo Guzzardi26-Oct-2008 07:24
special this one:-)
I like the focusing
Ron S. Bernardo26-Oct-2008 02:21
the litle munchkin is so cute!
Guest 26-Oct-2008 00:39
I am so jealous of your autumn leaves!
Hi Zoe :))
Guest 25-Oct-2008 23:53
Its so nice to see her growing.
Fabulous portrait my friend, full of colors and a wonderful expression :o) V
Simon Chandler25-Oct-2008 23:48
So cool. Beautiful portrait with a seasonal theme. Love the title and caption. v
12325-Oct-2008 18:05
Very cool DOF. BV
Marc Demoulin25-Oct-2008 17:27
Greta DOF for this wonderful portrait Sam. VVV
FrankB25-Oct-2008 14:37
:) This is amazing....I'm glad I had a chance to handle that combo at the show...V
Guest 25-Oct-2008 11:09
ooops!! big vote
Guest 25-Oct-2008 11:08
incredibly sweet!!
pr_rajan25-Oct-2008 09:08 sweet!