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Part of the Thursday Challenge for October 23, with the theme: Grain

Grain of the wooden window frame, and the fabric covering the couch,
against the grain in the pure woolen blanket.

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Jason Anderson15-Nov-2008 02:46
Love the light in this! How did you manage to get this without any dog hair??
cits_4_pets24-Oct-2008 04:29
Nice variety of grains
Valene24-Oct-2008 03:22
I love the texture and color of the pink throw. Nice composition! V
Cindi Smith23-Oct-2008 23:02
Excellent idea and interpretation....well executed too!
Mairéad23-Oct-2008 22:41
A beautiful cosy scene.
Guest 23-Oct-2008 22:20
wonderful idea, nicely done
Phillip Normanton23-Oct-2008 21:00
Is that a doggy been going against the grain on the windowsill? :)
Russ Rose23-Oct-2008 20:28
nice composition. great shot. and fresh idea.
J. Scott Coile23-Oct-2008 19:19
Grainy :-)
Máire Uí Mhaicín23-Oct-2008 17:15
A multiple grain shot! Well done!
Pat Shawyer23-Oct-2008 16:03
Very nice Mathilda
carolynne_w23-Oct-2008 14:32
Very creative.
Guest 23-Oct-2008 14:09
good choice
carol j. phipps23-Oct-2008 12:38
Great for warmth.
Jola Dziubinska23-Oct-2008 11:33
Very pretty and cozy :)
laine8223-Oct-2008 09:53
Well done...a good choice.
Barbara Heide23-Oct-2008 09:14
nice idea!
j>a>e>17 :):):)23-Oct-2008 08:54
i see YOU ARE creating mega warm stories that YOU weave from YOUr heart magical mathilda, j>a>e>17 :):):) always dream~~~dare~~~dive & THRIVE :):):)
Ann...23-Oct-2008 07:56
That looks warm! Great idea for the challenge.
Maaike Huizer23-Oct-2008 07:27
Lovely interpretation and lovely shot.
BleuEvanescence23-Oct-2008 05:11
That is a nice collection of grains :))
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