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Manas Khan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Avian Life > Great Thick-knee take off
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© Manas Khan

Great Thick-knee take off

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John Armstrong17-Aug-2012 09:36
Well captured! V
Guest 05-Nov-2008 19:18
Another great capture. V
Yiannis Pavlis28-Oct-2008 13:54
Excellent capture!
Guest 08-Oct-2008 02:10
Fantastic capture, Manas. The detail is amazing, very well done. v
Guest 06-Oct-2008 17:04
Great pose... Wonderful shot!
deborahcuming06-Oct-2008 03:27
really nice action and great detail!! beautiful!! V
Guest 05-Oct-2008 09:27
Great action shot! Very nice pose and light! V!
Marco Valk04-Oct-2008 17:45
excellent light and timing. voted
January Grey04-Oct-2008 17:24
Fantastic timing, and a wonderful capture! V~
Steve Morris04-Oct-2008 13:21
Like a ballerina - what a photo Manas - superb work!!BV
Tom Munson04-Oct-2008 01:22
Great timing, Manas. V
Vince04-Oct-2008 01:21
Stunning capture of the take off. Vote.
Fong Lam03-Oct-2008 17:42
Great timing on the capture of this bird taking off!! V
Bryan Murahashi03-Oct-2008 05:39
Beautiful bird and capture. V
NealyBob03-Oct-2008 03:22
Excellent capture! Great timing on this stop-action just before take-off~! V
Hank Vander Velde03-Oct-2008 02:19
Beautiful capture, great detail. V.
lou_rozensteins02-Oct-2008 23:38
Excellent detail and an amazing pose! Voted.
Simon Chandler02-Oct-2008 22:56
A masterpiece. Excellent lighting. Fantastic pose of the subject capture. Wonderful tone. v
Guest 02-Oct-2008 19:08
A beautiful bird I've never seen and an excellent capture..v
jlm02-Oct-2008 18:58
Nice catch
Jess. ( Lady.D.)02-Oct-2008 18:56
Super action shot Manas, very nicely detailed....
Aivar Mikko02-Oct-2008 18:38
Very nice shot, excellent pose.
Gerard Koehl02-Oct-2008 17:48
Superbe capture... V