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Susan Leigh | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sydney > ..aboard the 'Sydney 2000'
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25-SEP-2008 ©SusanP

..aboard the 'Sydney 2000'

Sydney harbour

On a harbour cruise, aboard the same vessel that the Pope
cruised the harbour on his recent 'World Youth day' visit.
I felt 'safe' on the it had probably previously been blessed ;-))

Canon Powershot SD600
1/400s f/5.6 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 30-Sep-2008 08:42
Did you all sing Bud Flanagan 's " Underneath the arches" ? :-)
Dave Hein27-Sep-2008 12:43
I see people on the top of the coat hanger looking at you. Did you make the trip up there too? :)