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Mike Reshitnyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fun With Ducks and Birds ----------------------- Ravissement avec les canards et les oiseaux -------- > Snowy Owl's Morning Sprint
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Snowy Owl's Morning Sprint

As I’ve mentioned before, Snowy Owls do not have to be all white when photographing them.

Here, in the early morning winter’s light, we see that pure white is not on the artist’s palate.

Canon 40D with 100-400L lens @ 1/1250, f5.6, ISO 400, +1/3 exposure compensation, cropped for composition because I always use centre metering in AI mode for flying birds.

I don’t recall the temperature, but trust me, I wasn’t wearing shorts!

“Remember you are creating art and for this the rules are totally different . . . in fact there aren’t any.” Andy Rouse – Wildlife Photographer

other sizes: small medium original auto
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jychamberland07-Oct-2008 01:18
excellente image Mike.
Robert Houde01-Oct-2008 22:29
Tu n'était pas en cullottes courtes, eh ben là, tu me surprend. Belle photo Hike.
Dominic Cantin24-Sep-2008 16:49
Bravo Mike pour cette image ! C'est sûr que tu n'étais pas en culotte courte ! ;)


Dom :)