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Glass of Water

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Mark Krauss25-Jun-2010 03:34
Scott Browne03-May-2010 15:46
Brilliantly done. This is great.
Robyco03-May-2010 14:22
Great work !! (V)
Guest 09-Jan-2010 12:05
wow, well done
Barry Green17-Feb-2009 01:24
Terrific shot! ~v
marko gregoric05-Feb-2009 16:35
Awesome shot. Congratulation. V.
Marc Demoulin02-Dec-2008 21:31
Splendid Alina! vVv
john savage06-Nov-2008 01:43
Fantastic still life. V
Jeroen Bosman30-Sep-2008 14:27
another stunning image, very well seen and executed, v.
Mario Solka26-Sep-2008 17:52
Brilliant idea,Alina!
Beautifully executed**V**
Guest 24-Sep-2008 10:25
yeah, terrific B&W, chapeau and cheers.
Yiannis Pavlis18-Sep-2008 13:04
An interesting point of view nicely balanced in its composition.Excellent and creative work.V
marie-jose wolff17-Sep-2008 19:54
awesome composition! V
Raymond17-Sep-2008 15:43
Definatly among your best images. If you were to make a gallery of winners... this one is among them. Great shot Alina
Guest 16-Sep-2008 19:19
superb! V
Guest 16-Sep-2008 10:48
This is just a Winner image! Well done Alina! V
Bill Warren15-Sep-2008 21:32
Simple, elegant, brilliant. V
Guest 14-Sep-2008 01:29
Very creative. Excellent capture. Voted.
Guest 13-Sep-2008 11:38
Original and very well achieved work. V without any doubt. Regards.
shatterbug12-Sep-2008 20:58
Well conceived and executed!
Steve Morris12-Sep-2008 18:50
Minimalist composition, well executed and stunningly elegant!!BV
zyziza12-Sep-2008 17:43
clean and clear! V
Marek Wilczura12-Sep-2008 14:09
great idea! v
Barbara Heide12-Sep-2008 11:09
brilliant exercise! v
Enrico Andreoli12-Sep-2008 07:01
Great idea and execution! VV
Sam Rua11-Sep-2008 22:57
Well seen and wonderfully presented. Well done! V.
Aivar Mikko11-Sep-2008 18:47
Excellent light and composition. V.
Steve Sharp11-Sep-2008 16:04
Simple and wonderful!
Bill Robinson11-Sep-2008 13:00
Great result.
CM Kwan11-Sep-2008 12:32
Amazing composition, light and capture, Alina! V
Carol Rollins11-Sep-2008 12:14
Excellent work Alina. Beautifully done!! V
Richard Calmes11-Sep-2008 12:07
Stunning composition! V
dane11-Sep-2008 12:05
brilliant. V
blizzard11-Sep-2008 11:21
brilliant classic text book photography
very creative and artistic
Marco Valk11-Sep-2008 07:44
terrific image; big vote!
Giancarlo Guzzardi11-Sep-2008 07:39
it's magnificent.. it's a great conceptual still life
splendid the different frame in light or shadow, splendid the pose and the trasparency.
simplemente beautiful
Yves Marquis11-Sep-2008 02:54
wow !! very incdredible shot
Joanne Kamo11-Sep-2008 02:05
Simple, yet very elegant and complex! Very creative and beautiful! V
Marcia Rules11-Sep-2008 01:55
V! girl, you nailed this one, major !!!!
Guest 11-Sep-2008 00:20
Very creative and such a great idea... I really like this!
Jay Levin11-Sep-2008 00:11
Very cool shot, Alina. Great idea. Vote
Guest 10-Sep-2008 23:48
very well done, the dark shape of the chair's backrest is perfect too! v
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography10-Sep-2008 23:06
Sue Robertson10-Sep-2008 22:59
Well this is just wonderful. Very creative set up.. v
Guest 10-Sep-2008 21:18
Excellent V
jan kriek10-Sep-2008 21:13
This is very nice, exellent composition.V.
Thomas10-Sep-2008 20:34
pure magic!
Guest 10-Sep-2008 19:38
Exquisitely seen!
fdt10-Sep-2008 19:07
Great shot. f
pr_rajan10-Sep-2008 17:24 beautiful!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-Sep-2008 16:55
Fine Art image, Vote.
olivier bruning10-Sep-2008 16:28
beautiful and well excecuted image! v
Fong Lam10-Sep-2008 15:54
Very creative composition!! V
globalgadabout10-Sep-2008 15:26
brilliant work Alina...V
Xavi Barneda10-Sep-2008 15:11
Superb composition, really very elegant V!
Guest 10-Sep-2008 15:04
Guest 10-Sep-2008 14:52
Excellent comp! It works for me.
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe10-Sep-2008 14:39
This totally works for me ...
Guest 10-Sep-2008 14:01
simply very well done Alina :o) an excellent composition and processing ! V~!
an nguyen10-Sep-2008 13:58
Excellent monochrome , Alina, it is a modern abstract image. BV
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