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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> 2008 Photo-A-Day Galleries By Month >> September 2008 > Denbrobium Orchid
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04-SEP-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Denbrobium Orchid

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blizzard10-Sep-2008 18:31
your composition skills are simply great
well done v
Guest 05-Sep-2008 23:32
Looks great.
Guest 05-Sep-2008 10:54
Lovely shot! The lens can't compete with a 105 macro but it does produce lovely detail in close ups :-)
DB Hans05-Sep-2008 08:54
There are a few hot spots but in that kind of light you can expect that, beautiful flower.
Bea.05-Sep-2008 03:18
Anther very beautiful shot. I love the lighting.
Barry Ailetcher05-Sep-2008 03:18
very nice image of the Orchid whites are hard to capture andyou did a good job
Ruth Voorhis05-Sep-2008 02:40
Lovely light on the whites, Pam - not blown.:-)
Guest 05-Sep-2008 02:32
This is lovely Pam, the whites look okay to me.
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