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Chun Lo | all galleries >> Galleries >> Infrared Landscape > Mai Po
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Mai Po

Canon PowerShot A640
1/13s f/4.0 at 7.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Tam Kar Wah 23-Jan-2010 02:11
Between realism and surrealism. What a good toned picture it is!!! Excellent B&W indeed.
Artist22-Aug-2009 13:26
Dramatic! super good job! v
Carol How09-Jan-2009 18:17
Yes this image has a story to tell - great work!
Yiannis Pavlis25-Sep-2008 03:14
Truly a great B&W in all regards. I tip my hat .
CM Kwan03-Sep-2008 13:34
Incredibly beautiful! V
firstbrook02-Sep-2008 12:52
Brilliant.....just luv it