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Mostafa Moftah | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monochrome Forever > Curly Girl - London
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Curly Girl - London

© 2008 Mostafa Moftah

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Jan-2014 19:21
Eccellente! V
Anna Pagnacco21-Mar-2012 02:45
Delightful expression! ( V )
slhoornstra12-Jun-2010 10:42
Fantastic lights and darks and expression. V
Sabine Stetson13-Dec-2008 20:13
gorgeous portrait...
Jim Chiesa14-Sep-2008 07:45
This truly is an excellent portrait, Mostafa. The expression well caught by the good use of light, DOF, and the BW tonal range too. Perfect !
Alina06-Sep-2008 04:07
Lovely portrait! v
Robyco04-Sep-2008 21:21
Excellent with the light and her unposed pose !!! (V)
Sue Robertson03-Sep-2008 22:11
Beautiful side lighting. What gorgeous curls.
J. Scott Coile03-Sep-2008 20:07
Pure sweet perfection. Brilliant B&W processing.
Guest 03-Sep-2008 16:16
Capture perfection
With absolute charm!

Mindy McNaugher02-Sep-2008 04:13
Precious and beautiful portrait! Exquisite light!! Vote!
Victoria01-Sep-2008 08:41
How adorable face, gorgeous
leelou01-Sep-2008 01:19
Perfect shot ! ... And so pretty young girl V
Fong Lam31-Aug-2008 18:51
Excellent lighting on this pretty girl.
Outstanding portrait.....V
Azlin Ahmad31-Aug-2008 18:13
This is superb! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos31-Aug-2008 16:41
What a superb portrait. Excellent lighting and a lovely expression. V.
Marina Palpati31-Aug-2008 16:30
wonderful shot...V..
Galina Stepanova31-Aug-2008 14:43
Perfect natural light photographed.
olivier bruning31-Aug-2008 06:47
very sweet child portrait Mostafa! v
Guest 31-Aug-2008 04:18
A lovely portrait. You control these shots so well, Mostafa.
Nick Arena31-Aug-2008 03:20
Delightful portrait..wonderful lighting and tones..V
Guest 30-Aug-2008 23:17
Lovely light on her hair and face. Nice expression and great depth of feild.
Guest 30-Aug-2008 22:41
What a beautiful child :) V
Barbara Heide30-Aug-2008 22:28
so cute! wonderful light! v
Claude Martin30-Aug-2008 20:23
Fantastic portrait...the light is modeling softly the face of your subject!V
gilanuriel30-Aug-2008 14:21
Giancarlo Guzzardi30-Aug-2008 12:18
it's magnificent
a great "mono"chrome