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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> COLOR AND COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY >> MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY >> Macro-Creatures > Wasp Spider
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© 2008 Tomasz Dziubinski

Wasp Spider

Roztocze, Poland

Tygrzyk paskowany (Argiope bruennichi)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Larry Umthun27-Sep-2013 02:37
What a cool looking spider. Excellent work.
mathilda williams21-Sep-2008 23:14
outstanding macro! voted.
Tomek Góralczyk28-Aug-2008 12:26
Great macro, perfect details. Big Vote
poetry66627-Aug-2008 22:34
Incredible details and close up of this spider, Tomasz. Superb...V!!
rocky27-Aug-2008 15:52
Great capture!
Guest 27-Aug-2008 09:38
just marvelous :))) V~!
Gerard Koehl27-Aug-2008 09:33
Impressionnante comme macro... V
Guest 27-Aug-2008 08:06
Such clarity gives almost 3D impression... voted!
Paco López27-Aug-2008 07:08
Excellent!! V!
Peter Stahl27-Aug-2008 03:47
Looks like he found a meal. Terrific capture Tomasz!!! GMV.
Susanne v. Schroeder27-Aug-2008 03:18
Fantastic macro!
FrankB27-Aug-2008 02:08
he's munching on something!...great...V
william mahan27-Aug-2008 01:48

Hooray for macro! Looks a little scary up close...Wonderful capture!
Cindi Smith27-Aug-2008 00:35
Now, that is one crystal clear, sharp as a tack shot! Wow! You make him look so big that he could come thru the screen and get me! Love it!;)
Sam_C27-Aug-2008 00:33
Superb shot, amazing details and fantastic color. Well done! V
Guest 27-Aug-2008 00:32
Great photo! beautiful spider. v.