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Gary Hebert | all galleries >> National Parks of Canada >> Banff National Park >> Moraine Lake > Canoe's on Moraine Lake
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23-AUG-2008 © Gary Hebert

Canoe's on Moraine Lake

Banff National Park, Canada

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Graeme17-Aug-2011 21:09
Stunning capture and treatment, Gary.V
Guest 02-Jul-2009 05:26
Well done, like the composition. v!
Sandi Whitteker28-Aug-2008 15:49
Beautiful capture. Scenery is amazing.
Guest 26-Aug-2008 02:00
What a great capture. The landscape is just beautiful but adding the brightly colored canoes really set the whole image off. Well Done! (Vote)
Gayle P. Clement26-Aug-2008 01:51
Beautiful, Gary.