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20th August 2008

Could it be autumn already?! Without the summer ever really getting going? Because these look like
autumn leaves to me. Dad reckons they're just seeds that the trees have thrown down. But they're
sort of autumn-coloured, aren't they? And they smell of autumn! If it's autumn already, when's Christmas, Dad?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael Todd Thorpe23-Sep-2008 16:26
Those look like what we call 'helicopter' seeds... I think I smell autumn, too...
nomadicdragon23-Aug-2008 01:49
It can't be time for Christmas already.. I haven't even gotten the Halloween decorations out.
Tom Tom23-Aug-2008 00:11
Have you made a Christmas wish list yet Pooch??
Guest 22-Aug-2008 12:39
last time i checked xmas is less than 20 wks away!
Pic Chick21-Aug-2008 20:32
We call it "Fall" and it's a 4-letter word.... ;)

I feel like we haven't really had a summer at all! Cute shot!
Shayne20-Aug-2008 22:28
Hold your horses POOCH... no need to rush thing... LOL
Bill Gallagher20-Aug-2008 21:11
IF you lived here in sunny California you would have 7-8 weeks left of nice long warm days before getting pummled by rain.
Chris20-Aug-2008 21:05
Christmas - "bah, humbug"!! Better get writing your list, Poochie! Chris
Johnny JAG20-Aug-2008 19:51
Dad's right summers gone to seed.
Randu20-Aug-2008 17:04
You smiling face is so cute, Pooch!
Zak20-Aug-2008 16:59
a bit early to mention both the A and C words!!
joanteno20-Aug-2008 15:08
Boy I agree - for the first time this summer - we hit termperaturs in the 50's F, brr it is cold.
Bryan Murahashi20-Aug-2008 15:05
Oh Joy! Pooch looks really excited with Christmas just around the corner;-)
laine8220-Aug-2008 14:52
Christmas ? I think we're holding an election to decide when it's going to be at our house since our twin grandbabies are due on Christmas Eve...:>))
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