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Canon EOS 30D
1/250s f/13.0 at 255.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
XiaoBernard9930-May-2009 06:03
Great choice of looking on the nature.Very sharp and well done here.Never seen .A very unique picture of our nature.
poetry66601-Dec-2008 00:08
Tack sharp. WOW.V.
Lamar Nix14-Aug-2008 14:52
Very interesting flora here , well composed and shot. V
Guest 10-Aug-2008 09:46
Amazing shot
Herb 10-Aug-2008 00:39
Nice image
deborahcuming09-Aug-2008 22:06
interesting flower...excellent image! great color and dof! V
Guest 09-Aug-2008 18:43
Amazing flower and capture..excellent..v
Craig Fraiser09-Aug-2008 17:54
I REALLY like everything about this image..V.
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