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Colin Clarke | all galleries >> Galleries >> SOUPE DU JOUR > Banana Flower 3
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July 2008 © Colin J Clarke

Banana Flower 3

Charleston SC

Leica D-Lux2, Leitz Vario-Elmarit

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Herb 23-Aug-2008 13:27
Excellent macro
Ken Duckert11-Aug-2008 10:50
What a dramatic photo! The flower presents a striking combination of color. Very nicely done!
BleuEvanescence07-Aug-2008 23:11
Warm tones for an exquisite composition.
Very delicate...i love this.
Bonnie Underwood07-Aug-2008 15:55
This is exquisite!
Paco López07-Aug-2008 15:28
Excellent!! V!
Naomi 07-Aug-2008 15:02
What an interesting flower! Is it edible?
an nguyen07-Aug-2008 13:32
Wow, how exquisite is that.!!! VVV
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