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Tom Tom | all galleries >> BiBi - A Bunny Photo A Day >> BiBi 2008 >
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Here's a normal portrait of BiBi for a change
as he has requested, not showing him doing silly things.

BiBi is most interested to know your comments.
Does he look confused or worried in this shot?

Canon EOS 350D ,Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
1/125s f/3.5 at 85.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Debbie Blackburn Beierle08-Aug-2008 03:07
I think "worried" because he looks like he's backed into a corner!!! Great shot of BiBi, Tom!!! Excellent detail in his face!!
January Grey07-Aug-2008 04:28
A stern expression for sure. Nice white on white, Tom. Tell BiBi he's as handsome as ever.
laine8207-Aug-2008 01:34
Think he's looking resigned to having his blog shot :>))
Fong Lam07-Aug-2008 00:50
Is Bibi practising a pose for a passport photo?
Miss his action shots :)