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Don Boyd | all galleries >> People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries >> Don Boyd or Don with Friends in the fabulous 40's and 50's Gallery > 1953 - Don Boyd in Williams Park, St. Petersburg
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AUG-1953 John M. Boyd

1953 - Don Boyd in Williams Park, St. Petersburg

Williams Park, St. Petersburg, Florida

This photo was taken shortly before we moved back to Miami so I could start first grade at St. Mary's Parochial School in September. I never attended Kindergarten but I could read when I started first grade from reading some books for kids and the daily newspapers. While living in St. Pete I think I went to the beach every day, either at the Schaeffer family day care center across the street from the beach in Gulfport and/or with my dad to Pass-A-Grille Beach. We also went fishing a lot on area piers and seawalls. The first fish I ever caught myself was a Pompano because some old gent congratulated me on it and said I caught the best eating fish in the Gulf.

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