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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 174: Interiors (hosted by MCsaba) >> Challenge 174: Eligible > edit image
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25-JUL-2008 Jerry Curtis

6th: Back into History
by Jerry Curtis

Heading into the main shaft of #2 mine at Bell Island, Newfoundland
Mining began in this shaft in 1902 and continued until 1949. Little has changed here since 1949.
Story here:

Sony DSLR-A350 ,Minolta 50mm f/1.7 AF
1/30s f/2.5 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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mlynn 04-Aug-2008 02:25
Nice capture of this eerie tunnel, I would not want to have to work down there. --Melanie
Franky2005 02-Aug-2008 07:42
Looks like the way down to hell. At least the warm light makes me sweat already. Great perspective.
inframan 01-Aug-2008 02:15
Boy, that's about as interior as I ever want to get, claustrophobe that I am.
Very evocative capture, Jerry.
Sony Forums Challenges27-Jul-2008 18:16
Very lovely perspective and lights leading the eyes through the tunnel. Very nice picture, spot on the theme. Cheers, MCsaba
mschf 27-Jul-2008 17:32
Nice one, Jerry, the path and lightbulbs leading in to the darkness beyond provides a good air of mystery in this shot.