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Robbie D70 | all galleries >> Galleries >> KILVE > Strata-Beach-Kilve.jpg
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Not your usual sandy beach, but look at that strata,an amazing place in Kilve.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buba Jafarli27-Jul-2010 17:19
Fantastic combination of light and shades! Well seen, Robbie! V.
G3orge Dalziel01-Feb-2010 08:59
low view gives great depth Robbie
globalgadabout20-Jun-2009 19:23
great low angle shot of these natural coastal defenses...V
Guest 27-Jul-2008 12:55
Like the composition and the lighting really shows off the rock -V-
Ann Cleeves24-Jul-2008 01:18
Amazing shot...good angle. I thought it was muddy car tracks when I saw the thumbnail!
Robert Charity23-Jul-2008 21:05
nice compositon, v
Hans Meerbeek23-Jul-2008 05:11
Great pov, Robbie!
Jeroen Bosman22-Jul-2008 22:54
great structures!
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