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Maaike Huizer | all galleries >> gallery_of_galleries >> My photo-a-day >> 2006 - 2015 >> march 2008: The Blues > 7
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Maaike Huizer


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bextol08-May-2020 15:37
Bill Miller21-Dec-2013 18:30
Such a seductive picture. Makes my day.
Fred Gary13-Jan-2013 03:59
Blue is my favorite color and this is a very deep blue and with the way it is displayed it makes it even more my favorite.
MarcViskens28-Sep-2011 19:28
very nice Maaike
well done
AL SAMHA EAST - RAZA07-Oct-2010 05:28
Rob Oele22-Mar-2010 22:06
Deze is heel bijzonder en zóó mooi. VVV
Sam X03-Dec-2009 00:17
very impressive ... and mysterious ... beautiful
Sheila03-Feb-2009 22:22
Wow, this is a lovely shot! What an intense blue the stone is.