Blizzards in Slovenia have left one in four homes without power, with heavy snow and ice bringing down electricity lines and trees.
We were without electricity for few days. The whole country is in a state of a natural disaster, combination of snow and frozen rain on the trees caused them to fall, many on the power lines, in very many cases the weight of ice alone caused the collapse of power lines and electrical transmission towers. 50% of our forests are damaged and very many roads and railways blocked in some areas 90% of the electrical infrastructure is destroyed, more than 15% of the population was without the electricity. Large electrical generators from across the Europe are being installed to provide areas that are cut off with power for water pumps, schools, hospitals and also households. Many trees around my house fell one damaged one brick on the roof of my house - that's all the damage I sustained, one tree endangering my house was cut by the firemen.
Natural disaster DSC_0080fpb
Saving my house DSC_0606xpb
Saving reševanje DSC_0480xpb
Fallen trees DSC_0065xpb
Fallen tree due to sleet podrto drevo radi žledu DSC_0148xpb
Winter Fallen trees due to sleet podrta drevesa radi žledu DSC_0053xpb
Winter Fallen trees due to sleet podrta drevesa radi žledu DSC_0567xpb
Cleanig the road after fallen trees due to sleet čiščenje podrtih dreves radi žledu DSC_0161xpb
The northeastern areas of the US have been getting this type of weather also as well as areas east of where I live. We have not had ice so far. I hope all is improving for Slovenia and you. Wishing you the best. Voted