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Ika Zinka Eferl | all galleries >> Galleries >> reptiles_snakes > Lacerta viridis zelenec DSCN5154XBo23092016pb
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Lacerta viridis zelenec DSCN5154XBo23092016pb

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Irene Wehrli04-Oct-2016 11:18
Such a beautifully colored lizard you captured, Ika!
Wonderful work!
Nirvan Hope03-Oct-2016 15:32
An excellent image of this brightly colored lizard.
larose forest photos03-Oct-2016 01:16
You are so lucky to have these around ... it is strikingly beautiful, and so is your shot. V
Ken Chambers ARPS02-Oct-2016 21:25
Such a beautiful lizard, Ika
Ton T.02-Oct-2016 17:35
Oooh fantastic! The lizard is amazing V
Nestor Derkach02-Oct-2016 16:11
Ika this is very nice, love how the lizard enters the frame.
Light is exceptional and your image resolution is spot on.
Very nice in the presentation frame.
Vote +
Helen Betts02-Oct-2016 14:34
Superb detail and color for this interesting looking creature. V.
joseantonio02-Oct-2016 13:51
stunning capture.V.
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