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Ika Zinka Eferl | all galleries >> Galleries >> reptiles_snakes > Young Natrix tessellata mladič kobranke DSC_0432xNpb
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Young Natrix tessellata mladič kobranke DSC_0432xNpb

Nikon D3100
1/800s f/7.1 at 300.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
victorswan23-Oct-2020 13:04
Wow a very nice shot Ika, of this beautiful piece, nice that you show so many details, beautiful work BV
MarcViskens19-Oct-2015 10:32
very nice shot Ika
Neal Nye07-Oct-2014 10:56
A very nice capture of that smooth, cool creature!
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