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Ika Zinka Eferl | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Box > Lady body DSC_0348xpb
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Lady body DSC_0348xpb

Nikon D3100
1/2500s f/6.3 at 240.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dwight Rankine29-Nov-2019 20:41
Good shot. An effective use of the sunlight. BV
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)06-Mar-2019 18:51
Terrific work.Well done.V
MarcViskens31-Oct-2016 22:14
nice one Ika
Raymond16-Feb-2015 21:23
Dennis Hoyne13-Oct-2014 03:37
Beautiful shot in that warm light!
leftpoole02-Sep-2014 08:26
You have a good eye for a girl!
Chris K.15-Aug-2014 11:18
Love it;)
Rick Bricker15-Aug-2014 06:35
Wonderful dof really makes this bathing beauty's curves stand out!
Neal Nye03-Aug-2014 10:58
A lovely summer image!
globalgadabout02-Aug-2014 19:03
primed for adventure...taut image with delicious colour....
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