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Bike ride from Seremban to Singapore - 6 to 8 April 2007

g6/12/372012/3/77190283.ag14HnEI.jpg the night before the ride
the night before the ride
breakfast in Seremban
breakfast in Seremban
carbo loading + 5 liters of water
carbo loading + 5 liters of water
g6/12/372012/3/77544291.caZfkQcE.jpg Seremban town
Seremban town
cycling to Port Dickson
cycling to Port Dickson
Port Dickson
Port Dickson
chatting with a local bike commuter
chatting with a local bike commuter
g6/12/372012/3/77545611.MuL4OoRP.jpg g6/12/372012/3/77546099.K3mcGN9t.jpg
delayed by  roadworks
delayed by roadworks
g6/12/372012/3/77546142.HlPek0q3.jpg g6/12/372012/3/77547670.3COygKh6.jpg g6/12/372012/3/77547702.nlsb7MTd.jpg
lunch break at Sungai Udang
lunch break at Sungai Udang
g6/12/372012/3/77547704.ymaJKaCc.jpg they are celebrating already....
they are celebrating already....
chatting with a Dutch cyclist at Pengakalan Kempas shrine
chatting with a Dutch cyclist at Pengakalan Kempas shrine
g6/12/372012/3/79464586.xwhi77Fp.jpg g6/12/372012/3/79464589.0G5f6CnW.jpg we are in Melaka
we are in Melaka
sleeping single in a double bed
sleeping single in a double bed
relaxing at Kancil guesthouse
relaxing at Kancil guesthouse
pigging out
pigging out
visiting Chong Seng's home
visiting Chong Seng's home
Melaka shopping mall
Melaka shopping mall
no, they are not drunk.... yet....
no, they are not drunk.... yet....
g6/12/372012/3/81007725.TsM3S7A2.jpg Kancil Guesthouse
Kancil Guesthouse
Mr Lee counting up the damages...
Mr Lee counting up the damages...
morning conference
morning conference
g6/12/372012/3/81007728.KKmj0yOD.jpg g6/12/372012/3/79464621.Q6myLw1P.jpg
g6/12/372012/3/79464623.hLwPDgGP.jpg a rather heavy breakfast
a rather heavy breakfast
g6/12/372012/3/81134496.jhHKPjrT.jpg g6/12/372012/3/81198412.VLM4rsJj.jpg
g6/12/372012/3/79465289.J9QFvp2e.jpg Sungai Rambai
Sungai Rambai
g6/12/372012/3/79466119.WLeBQlz6.jpg this drink will make you go faster....
"this drink will make you go faster...."
g6/12/372012/3/79466124.H3xUz3xS.jpg g6/12/372012/3/79467792.e10jS5MA.jpg g6/12/372012/3/81198414.rDMpzIPb.jpg g6/12/372012/3/79467794.kXNWROmG.jpg
g6/12/372012/3/81198455.3POrJZJo.jpg Lunch in Muar
Lunch in Muar
Parit Jawa
Parit Jawa
the 'piece de resistance' Batu Pahat ice kacang
the 'piece de resistance' Batu Pahat ice kacang
sneaked off to drink when everyone was unaware
sneaked off to drink when everyone was unaware
Crystal Inn - Batu Pahat
Crystal Inn - Batu Pahat
hah! busted! caught drinking in the room....
hah! busted! caught drinking in the room....
breakfast in Batu Pahat
breakfast in Batu Pahat
g6/12/372012/3/81132914.R1UC3Cly.jpg g6/12/372012/3/81132944.tGOFUyBJ.jpg g6/12/372012/3/81133431.HDp5aKy0.jpg g6/12/372012/3/81132969.o2DMizRI.jpg
g6/12/372012/3/81132976.9Wt7ONxT.jpg Ayer Hitam
Ayer Hitam
g6/12/372012/3/81132983.7ISW6sJo.jpg Simpang Rengam
Simpang Rengam
under my umbrella... ella... ella... eh... (sorry can't help it)
under my umbrella... ella... ella... eh... (sorry can't help it)
Simpang Rengam
Simpang Rengam
'i want more curry & more ice for my sunburnt friend'
'i want more curry & more ice for my sunburnt friend'
g6/12/372012/3/81132992.mSfCmnnW.jpg Sedenak fruit stall
Sedenak fruit stall
a very friendly self-service stall
a very friendly self-service stall
Bananaman Ler
Bananaman Ler
g6/12/372012/3/81132995.IbI4GllU.jpg g6/12/372012/3/81133000.R37RfF4L.jpg almost there....
almost there....
back home
back home