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Carolyn Rasmussen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seasonal September 2007 > Natural
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September 15, 2007 Carolyn Rasmussen


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Jola Dziubinska22-Sep-2007 19:51
Very nice light and colors, happy moments.
Barbara Heide22-Sep-2007 08:55
beautiful colours!
Andrew Vincent21-Sep-2007 23:25
Lovely little mat of colour! VOTE!
Chad Ramsey21-Sep-2007 17:36
Very pretty "natural" capture! V
Fong Lam21-Sep-2007 17:26
Beautiful light and rich colors.
Nice shot, Carolyn ~V~
Maaike Huizer21-Sep-2007 14:49
They almost give light. Lovely, sunny image.
Ceya21-Sep-2007 14:18
Lovely light and color, well composed! V
Guest 21-Sep-2007 13:34
Lovely. V
laine8221-Sep-2007 13:24
They're beautiful...very summery looking.
Máire Uí Mhaicín21-Sep-2007 12:39
Natural ageing in the yellows there!
Guest 21-Sep-2007 12:28
nice colors and POV,. V~!
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