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28th December 2006 Copyright © Ian York 2006

Learn To Park


For the "New Years Resolutions" Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge
more entries can be see in the forum here

Spotted in Oxford this morning

1/100s @ f4, ISO 200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Yvonne30-Dec-2006 00:58
Gosh, what a great capture!!! Well seen!
Guest 30-Dec-2006 00:38
LOL, he was wheelie fenced in !
J. Scott Coile29-Dec-2006 15:00
Too funny. Well seen!
Lee Rudd29-Dec-2006 13:18
well, if it fits....
Guest 29-Dec-2006 09:27
LOL...don't you just hate parallel parking. :D
virginiacoastline29-Dec-2006 03:49
no one said parking couldn't be perpendicular
Cindi Smith29-Dec-2006 00:55
Too funny! If it were here, the tires and everything would have been stripped by now! Great find!
Jessica McCollum29-Dec-2006 00:35
Very cute!
wernere0129-Dec-2006 00:09
Great fun shot.
Guest 28-Dec-2006 23:56
So that bike was there all night! I see it still has both wheels ;-)
Ray :)28-Dec-2006 23:32
I bet he drives a Smart too :)
joanteno28-Dec-2006 23:02
Great shot!
Sheila28-Dec-2006 22:36
LOL! Excellent shot.
Wei O'Connell28-Dec-2006 22:16
Fun image. Looks good to me. It does save space :-)))
Dave Wixx28-Dec-2006 21:59
Cool shot - I like it. If your transport is big enough you don't have to!! Good Luck and a happy New Year.
Guest 28-Dec-2006 21:00
LOL - very nicely done!
Guest 28-Dec-2006 20:43
This is such a good image - I should give up the bike and try a car!
Jola Dziubinska28-Dec-2006 20:39
Michael Shpuntov28-Dec-2006 20:15
Gave me a great chuckle. Very fun entry. Great resolution too.
Nicki Thurgar28-Dec-2006 19:54
LOL, is that yours??! You NEED to learn how to park!! ;o) Well seen!
Johnny JAG28-Dec-2006 19:42
Very good.
chrisse28-Dec-2006 19:34
LOL, this is hilarious ! how would you do that with a car ???
Barbara Heide28-Dec-2006 19:23
that's excellent! civic courage and gain of space for everybody! that's so unselfish! bravo!
brilliant capture
Renee Lockett28-Dec-2006 19:18
LOL! Fantastic capture, Ian. :) Perfect title for a resolution. :)
royalld28-Dec-2006 19:05
Looks like good parking to me.
JW28-Dec-2006 18:58
Looks like taht's the space-saving option!
nordic28-Dec-2006 18:50
A classic Oxford tale!!
Nice one Ian!