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Gabon Views - Libreville area

We had several overnight stays in Libreville hotels before and after the Sao Tome & Principe leg, before and after the main Gabon tour and before and after the tour extension extension to Loango NP. We did not really have the time or inclination to do any city sight seeing. These few photos were taken from the Sunset Beach Hotel which is a convenient stopover for airport access.
Gulf of Guinea beach, near Libreville, Gabon
Gulf of Guinea beach, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon
Shore net fishing, near Libreville, Gabon