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Ian Cameron | all galleries >> Transient Light >> Scotland. > Spotlight Elgol
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Ian Cameron

Spotlight Elgol

Elgol, Skye, Scotland

During some extremely rough weather I found myself huddling behind a huge cubic slab of rock more or less protected from the huge waves crashing on the rocks and channelled bedrock gazing across at the gloomy ridge of the Black Cuillins peaks. I busied myself with the different patterns formed by the moving foam and water across the rocks when a shaft of red sunlight briefly scythed a path beneath the cloud passing in front of the mountains. It stayed just a few seconds and this was only one of two shots I got.

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Pentax 67 II ,55-100 zoom,Fujichrome Velvia
0.45ND Hard Grad, 0.9ND filter, f/22 at 3 Seconds. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Allan Jay23-Jan-2015 18:32
Powerful work Ian!
Pete Hemington22-Jan-2015 21:02
Enigmatic and great exposure
MarcViskens20-Jan-2015 20:36
outstanding work Ian
Nick Paoni20-Jan-2015 15:42
A great shot with lovely light and layers. Nicely done!
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