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3 days & 2 nights with the Fujifilm X-Pro1

I'm not a reviewer and this is no review. Have to be frank, I never have the time (nor interest) to do detailed tests and comparison. My only interest in an equipment is how well it can help me capture the moment and document the familiar places that are fast changing and even disappearing... Though I had had only a couple of days to shoot with this new gear, I couldn't be more convinced that this is Fuji's one most powerful photo taking machine to date. Future X-Pro1 shots will be posted in my other galleries; check out my "recent":

PS. Click "original" for best viewing quality.
the tram has arrived... finally
the "tram" has arrived... finally
westbound stop... western street
"westbound stop... western street"
another quiet night...
another quiet night...
murray building
murray building
art super market
"art super market"
mood of the night...
mood of the night...
a colourful street corner
a colourful street corner
some little flowers...
some little flowers...
little flowers...
little flowers...
contruction city...
contruction city...
contruction city...
contruction city...
contruction city (untouched version)
contruction city (untouched version)
construction city...
construction city...
construction city...
construction city...
construction city...
construction city...
an old street corner...
an old street corner...
a store of yesterday...
a store of yesterday...
keep shining...
keep shining...
a shop of yesterday...
a shop of yesterday...
a street corner...
a street corner...
the street corner...
the street corner...
closing down sale
"closing down sale"
at home...
"at home..."
under the street lamp...
under the street lamp...
roots of the banyan...
"roots of the banyan..."
the banyan...
the banyan...
the twin tower...
the twin tower...
have a seat...:-)
have a seat...:-)
good morning sir:-)
good morning sir:-)
climbing the ladder...
climbing the ladder...
ready for launch?
ready for launch?
2ifc and an old street lamp...
2ifc and an old street lamp...
2ifc and an old street lamp...
2ifc and an old street lamp...
step out
"step out"
midnight life...
"midnight" life...
midnight life...
"midnight" life...
bus captain... and bus in motion
bus captain... and bus in motion
a fleeting encounter...
a fleeting encounter...
²» 8 ¿³
"²» 8 ¿³"
the star ferry...
the star ferry...
another hazy dusk...
another hazy dusk...
blue city
"blue city"
full size originals
:: full size originals ::