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Howard Banwell | profile | all galleries >> Japan and the Nakasendo Highway >> Miho Museum tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kyoto | Hikone | Mitake to Hosokute | Hosokute to Ena | Ena to Tsumago | Kiso-fukushima | Kiso to Matsumoto | Miho Museum

Miho Museum

Ticket-office plaza
Ticket-office plaza
I.M.Pei's magnificent entrance tunnel
I.M.Pei's magnificent entrance tunnel
Entrance tunnel
Entrance tunnel
Moon-gate entrance from tunnel exit
Moon-gate entrance from tunnel exit
Cantilevered half-suspension bridge
Cantilevered half-suspension bridge
Museum exhibit
Museum exhibit
Museum exhibit
Museum exhibit
Museum exhibit
Museum exhibit
Shumei temple and Pei bell-tower
Shumei temple and Pei bell-tower