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Howard Banwell | profile | all galleries >> Spain >> Madrid tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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The chic Hotel Urban on San Jeronimo
The chic Hotel Urban on San Jeronimo
The chic Hotel Urban on San Jeronimo
The chic Hotel Urban on San Jeronimo
The chic Hotel Urban on San Jeronimo
The chic Hotel Urban on San Jeronimo
Plaza Mayor
Plaza Mayor
Real Casa de la Panaderia, Plaza Mayor
Real Casa de la Panaderia, Plaza Mayor
Real Casa de la Panaderia, Plaza Mayor
Real Casa de la Panaderia, Plaza Mayor
Plaza Mayor
Plaza Mayor
Lisa interacing with la policia
Lisa interacing with la policia
Botin, the oldest restaurant in the world
Botin, the oldest restaurant in the world
The Botin ovens and suckling pigs
The Botin ovens and suckling pigs
Jamon at Mercado San Miguel
Jamon at Mercado San Miguel
Mercado San Miguel
Mercado San Miguel
Seafood lunch at Mercado San Miguel
Seafood lunch at Mercado San Miguel
Seafood lunch at Mercado San Miguel
Seafood lunch at Mercado San Miguel
Mercado San Miguel
Mercado San Miguel
Lisa interacting -- again -- with la policia
Lisa interacting -- again -- with la policia
A Plaza dos de Mayo bar in Malasana
A Plaza dos de Mayo bar in Malasana
Foyer of The Prado new wing
Foyer of The Prado new wing
Joaquin Sorolla  at the Prado
Joaquin Sorolla at the Prado
Joaquin Sorolla  at the Prado
Joaquin Sorolla at the Prado
Church by Museo del Prado
Church by Museo del Prado
Museo del Prado, new wing
Museo del Prado, new wing
Museo del Prado grounds
Museo del Prado grounds
Velasquez, Museo del Prado grounds
Velasquez, Museo del Prado grounds
Museo del Prado facade
Museo del Prado facade