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Susan | profile | all galleries >> New Zealand 2003 >> Dunedin tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Dunedin is the capital of Otago, with New Zealand's first and largest university (Otago). Also boasts the largest concentration of Victorian and Edwardian buildings in New Zealand.

u36/smshiew/medium/23584308.IMG_0047.jpg u36/smshiew/medium/23584310.IMG_0055.jpg the familiar sight ... of New Zealand
the familiar sight ... of New Zealand
Baldwin Street, the world's steepest
Baldwin Street, the world's steepest
Baldwin Street
Baldwin Street
Baldwin Street, Dunedin
Baldwin Street, Dunedin
Baldwin Street, Dunedin
Baldwin Street, Dunedin
the color of Spring at Dunedin Botanic Gardens
the color of Spring at Dunedin Botanic Gardens
u36/smshiew/medium/23584315.IMG_0064.jpg u36/smshiew/medium/23584317.IMG_0066.jpg University of Otago
University of Otago
University of Otago
University of Otago
Dunedin Visitior Centre
Dunedin Visitior Centre
u36/smshiew/medium/23584322.IMG_0083.jpg Dunedin Public Art Gallery
Dunedin Public Art Gallery
Dunedin's magnificent train station at Anzac Avenue
Dunedin's magnificent train station at Anzac Avenue
Prison on the right, and Courts on the right
Prison on the right, and Courts on the right
Scenery along Taieri Gorge
Scenery along Taieri Gorge
Taieri Gorge Railway
Taieri Gorge Railway
Scenery along Taieri Gorge
Scenery along Taieri Gorge
Disembark to take photos
Disembark to take photos
Disembark to take photos
Disembark to take photos
Pukerangi, the name meaning Hill of Heaven
Pukerangi, the name meaning "Hill of Heaven"
Scenery along road from Pukerangi to Queenstown
Scenery along road from Pukerangi to Queenstown