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HENRY FISHER 15-Sep-2020 20:13
Are you still making the CF Exige seats? Black padding?
HKFEVER24-May-2019 04:14
USD650.00 shipped
Stig 16-Jun-2018 12:19
Do You still make AOA Adjustable Uprights for Exige & Elise Wing and wingblade,
Frederick Simmler 27-Dec-2017 15:27
I am interested in side skirts for my 2005 Lotus Elise (federal). Are you still making them? Do you have a list of other CF you make for this car?
Happy Holidays,
Ricardo Myrie 28-Jul-2017 00:51
I would like price for rear louver. @
aziz qureshi 11-Mar-2017 21:39

I emailed you on Lotus Talk...I am looking for the following parts for my 2014 Lotus Evora S (Automatic)

1) Rear Diffusor with surround for parking sensors - Gold Heat shield and is there a way to do a gold grill instead of the black grill in the diffusor

2) Sideskirts

3) Side Scoops

4) Do you make any type of front lip or spoiler for the Evora S..

Please let me know pricing and delivery time ASAP...

Best Regards,
Aziz Qureshi
HKFEVER26-Nov-2016 07:29
Yes, I do. Email me.
Francis Siu 05-Jan-2016 18:32
I am looking for a front spoiler for my 2015 Elise. Please let me know where I can find one. I had purchased one before but lost the contact info. Thank you!

Guest 05-Aug-2015 16:45
Hi, interested in CF Evora S parts prices including shipping to UK
HKFEVER02-Jul-2015 13:02
Email to me for quotation.
Gerrayne 13-Apr-2015 04:28
pls contact me need carbon fiber parts for a 08 elise s2 best if u can give me a price list
Kay 14-Mar-2015 01:33
Can you please email prices for Evora GT4 rear wing, side vents, and side scoops? I am also looking for Evora carbon fiber front spoiler, mirror covers, and interior parts.
Thank You,
HKFEVER17-Jan-2015 09:53
Email me for price list.
Christian 15-Jan-2015 11:01

do you have a price list for Evora parts?

hermankervel29-Dec-2014 12:12
nice pictures
ammar 25-Mar-2014 21:09
i would like to know if you have a email address and do you do any part for a lotus exige s1? im looking for full carbon body
Martin 23-Oct-2013 07:11
Are you / have you made any Evora GT4 rear wings yet?
Tobias 18-Aug-2013 13:10
Hi, how do I order from you? Please e-mail me.

Best regards
Hans 13-Aug-2013 20:08
Hi, Can you tell me where to buy a fron spoiler to my 2010 exige in carbon, and how much it will cost?

Kin regards
Tony L 19-Aug-2012 16:56

Can you let me know where I can buy carbon fiber interior for my 2007 Lotus Elise S