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I went into Wild Birds Unlimited (Pleasant Hill, CA) in Oct. 2006 during Harmony Kingdom's FelineFest Event, that piece had sold out at the store.
Cecil Williams, the proprietor of Wild Birds of Pleasant Hill, who brought the woodpeckers’ rediscovery to Peter’s attention & inspired him to carve Love Shack enthusiastically told me about the secrets of the pieces. I bought a couple of Harmony Kingdom pieces & an Adam Binder Editions piece as well as the bird seed which was the reason I went into the store. I ordered the Feline Fest online & a rare color variation of Love Shack & I was hooked.
This got me started on collecting HK and then Adam Binder Editions a few years later after getting a rare bling piece. Comments appreciated & mistakes made.
Adam Binder (Non HK Pieces)
:: Adam Binder (Non HK Pieces) ::
Harmony Kingdom
:: Harmony Kingdom ::
Harmony Ball
:: Harmony Ball  ::
David Lawrence (non-HK)
:: David Lawrence (non-HK) ::
Kevin Francis
:: Kevin Francis ::