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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Texas to Alaska Drive 2005 >> Yellowstone and Grand Teton tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yellowstone and Grand Teton

Bighorn Mountains Wyoming
Bighorn Mountains Wyoming
Telling Secrets on the Mountain
Telling Secrets on the Mountain
Made It
Made It
Yellowstone Lake
Yellowstone Lake
Gameboy Time
Gameboy Time
Old Faithful
Old Faithful
Old Faithful
Old Faithful
200 Degrees F
200 Degrees F
g3/78/617578/3/53360549.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet5YellowstoneGrandTeton082343.jpg g3/78/617578/3/53360550.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet5YellowstoneGrandTeton066340.jpg Yellowstone Evening
Yellowstone Evening
g3/78/617578/3/53360553.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet6GrandTetonYellowstone0111.jpg Too Close
Too Close
Yellowstone Pelican
Yellowstone Pelican
g3/78/617578/3/53360557.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet6GrandTetonYellowstone032368.jpg Grand Tetons
Grand Tetons
g3/78/617578/3/53360559.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet6GrandTetonYellowstone112386.jpg Goodnight Everybody
Goodnight Everybody