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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Snow Day in Athens tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Snow Day in Athens

Anything can happen on a Snow Day! The snow just kept coming and coming Dec 5, 2007 - over six inches and it lived up to the anticipation and then some - by 8am the kids had thrown snowballs, gone sledding and built a snowman...
Waking up to Snow
Waking up to Snow
g3/78/617578/3/89946277.zrllrhfv.jpg Carson's first snowball
Carson's first snowball
Little Rascals
Little Rascals
Sled TIme
Sled TIme
g3/78/617578/3/89946284.EkLJd1lQ.jpg Caroline
now that is a snowball
now that is a snowball
g3/78/617578/3/89946287.pBxs84Kh.jpg Let it Snow
Let it Snow
g3/78/617578/3/89946290.SEfSxWGh.jpg Courtney
g3/78/617578/3/89946292.3BnPcABG.jpg Building Frosty
Building Frosty
Snow Bulldog
Snow Bulldog
First Snowman
First Snowman
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Sledding in the front yard
Sledding in the front yard
g3/78/617578/3/89946300.lgILMV7s.jpg g3/78/617578/3/89946301.05gnH4Ix.jpg Woodshire Court
Woodshire Court
g3/78/617578/3/89946364.3HIb5CXF.jpg Gates to Ohio University
Gates to Ohio University
Ohio Campus
Ohio Campus