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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Moving to Ohio University tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Moving to Ohio University

Harley ready to be Ohio Dog
Harley ready to be Ohio Dog
One last time to the Cotton District
One last time to the Cotton District
mom and the boys
mom and the boys
g6/78/617578/3/82269148.BqYXS7Ux.jpg Snack time at Grans
Snack time at Grans
700 miles from Starkville
700 miles from Starkville
Welcome to Ohio U!
Welcome to Ohio U!
On the Floor of Peden Coliseum
On the Floor of Peden Coliseum
Southern Ohio Copperheads
Southern Ohio Copperheads
Carson and Bradley
Carson and Bradley
Carson in Dow Lake
Carson in Dow Lake