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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Texas to Alaska Drive 2005 >> Finally... the Alaska Highway! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Finally... the Alaska Highway!

Start of the Alaska Highway
Start of the Alaska Highway
Dawson Creek, British Columbia
Dawson Creek, British Columbia
New Friend from the Northwest Territories
New Friend from the Northwest Territories
Camping Alaska Highway Style
Camping Alaska Highway Style
Luxury Bathroom
Luxury Bathroom
g3/78/617578/3/53449196.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet9JasperNPAlaskaHwy098469.jpg Still 1000 miles to Alaska
Still 1000 miles to Alaska
Alaska Horses
Alaska Horses
g3/78/617578/3/53449200.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet9JasperNPAlaskaHwy115475.jpg g3/78/617578/3/53449201.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet9JasperNPAlaskaHwy117476.jpg Mosquito Heaven
Mosquito Heaven
Yukon!  Latitude 61 Degrees
Yukon! Latitude 61 Degrees
The Famous Signpost Forest
The Famous Signpost Forest
g3/78/617578/3/53449206.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet10YukonAlaska01632.jpg Roadside Bear
Roadside Bear
Almost to Alaska
Almost to Alaska
g3/78/617578/3/53449209.June2005GreatOutWestTripSet10YukonAlaska05137.jpg World's Smallest Desert
World's Smallest Desert