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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> St. Lucia, Antigua, Barbados, Virgin Gorda and Dominican Republic tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

St. Lucia, Antigua, Barbados, Virgin Gorda and Dominican Republic

Christmas Cruise II - after a great time last year in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize last year on the Norwegian Sun, we decided to do it again! This time we hopped on the huge Norwegian Peal in Miami and spent 10 days sailing the Caribbean.
Leaving Miami
Leaving Miami
Carson Enjoying the NCL Pearl
Carson Enjoying the NCL Pearl
First Stop - the Dominican Republic
First Stop - the Dominican Republic
Samana, D.R.
Samana, D.R.
Have a Coconut and a Smile
Have a Coconut and a Smile
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
Playa Rincon
g4/78/617578/3/91094074.P9aHyTlG.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91094075.iZuOGukF.jpg
Play Time
Play Time
g4/78/617578/3/91094077.7RgL2svB.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91094078.7dPCBN1q.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91094350.RuXldXD8.jpg
g4/78/617578/3/91094356.fD7fMgib.jpg Our Tour Guide Miguel
Our Tour Guide Miguel
g4/78/617578/3/91094365.igR5bdUv.jpg Samana Sunset
Samana Sunset
Pulling into Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Pulling into Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Tortola Sailboat
Tortola Sailboat
Shopping in Roadtown
Shopping in Roadtown
Smile - you're in the Virgin Islands!
Smile - you're in the Virgin Islands!
The Norwegian Pearl
The Norwegian Pearl
NCL Pearl
NCL Pearl
Virgin Gorda - the Baths
Virgin Gorda - the Baths
The Baths, Virgin Gorda
The Baths, Virgin Gorda
The Baths, Virgin Gorda 2
The Baths, Virgin Gorda 2
Fun at the Baths
Fun at the Baths
Look Out Below
Look Out Below
g4/78/617578/3/91095058.IF4qAcxC.jpg Soaking It In
Soaking It In
Exploring the Caves, Virgin Gorda
Exploring the Caves, Virgin Gorda
The Caves at the Baths
The Caves at the Baths
g4/78/617578/3/91095068.Qj3pkGfw.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91095072.q2bN9iY9.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91095075.qfHtY8qy.jpg Heading back to Tortola
Heading back to Tortola
Hello Antigua!
Hello Antigua!
g4/78/617578/3/91095081.rQOeJ9Ga.jpg Parallel Parking
Parallel Parking
Antigua House
Antigua House
Sharing the Road in St. Johns
Sharing the Road in St. Johns
g4/78/617578/3/91095597.zUtcbHKH.jpg East Coast, Antigua
East Coast, Antigua
Devil's Bridge, Antigua
Devil's Bridge, Antigua
g4/78/617578/3/91095604.a4rmsBu9.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91095607.tvyXGrRW.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91095610.q3pcGQZV.jpg Long Bay Beach Antigua
Long Bay Beach Antigua
g4/78/617578/3/91095616.0reEyOan.jpg Hair Bead Time
Hair Bead Time
g4/78/617578/3/91095622.bjk2VT34.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91095624.NkaLxP5Z.jpg
Rainbow in Antigua
Rainbow in Antigua
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Colorful St. John's
Colorful St. John's
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Antiguan Schoolgirls
Antiguan Schoolgirls
St. John's Cathedral, 1845
St. John's Cathedral, 1845
g4/78/617578/3/91097321.NIEudlFO.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91097323.YKzGyNb0.jpg
Frigate Bird,  Fregatus magnificens
Frigate Bird, Fregatus magnificens
Big Boat , Small Boat
Big Boat , Small Boat
Antigua Sunset
Antigua Sunset
Leaving for Barbados
Leaving for Barbados
Silver Sands, Barbados South Coast
Silver Sands, Barbados South Coast
g4/78/617578/3/91097588.snHF5z2Z.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91097590.DSDGflBc.jpg
Kite Surfing, Barbados
Kite Surfing, Barbados
The Beer of Barbados
The Beer of Barbados
Silver Sands Resort
Silver Sands Resort
g4/78/617578/3/91097600.zp7hSf1d.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91097602.injziU5h.jpg Big Waves Where the Atlantic Meets the Caribbean
Big Waves Where the Atlantic Meets the Caribbean
g4/78/617578/3/91097608.s4BSf2qD.jpg Chris and Henderson
Chris and Henderson
Barbados Flag
Barbados Flag
Bridgetown Sunset
Bridgetown Sunset
St. Lucia!
St. Lucia!
g4/78/617578/3/91100114.zcn6LFER.jpg The No-Name Tree of Castries, St. Lucia
The No-Name Tree of Castries, St. Lucia
Derek Walcott Square
Derek Walcott Square
Castries from Above
Castries from Above
g4/78/617578/3/91100118.EhaUiaSW.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91100119.t17lNseA.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91100120.8d5aXEgE.jpg
Marigot Bay, hurricane harbor for many yachts
Marigot Bay, hurricane harbor for many yachts
Bananas - #1 Export of St. Lucia
Bananas - #1 Export of St. Lucia
Anse La Raye - fishing town
Anse La Raye - fishing town
Anse La Raye
Anse La Raye
g4/78/617578/3/91100125.2gqsNPVw.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91100126.69BvQN2E.jpg Just Back from the Sea
Just Back from the Sea
The Morning's Catch
The Morning's Catch
g4/78/617578/3/91108737.yn02CVXQ.jpg Overseeing the Morning's Fishing
Overseeing the Morning's Fishing
Respect Life
"Respect Life"
Carson and the Boa
Carson and the Boa
Snake Boy
Snake Boy
One of the Many Valleys
One of the Many Valleys
g4/78/617578/3/91108748.ND17MX1m.jpg The Famous Pitons of St. Lucia
The Famous Pitons of St. Lucia
g4/78/617578/3/91108752.RPkjrLnj.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91108755.nkoaby8y.jpg Traffic Jam St. Lucia Style
Traffic Jam St. Lucia Style
Inside the Caldera of Soufriere Volcano
Inside the Caldera of Soufriere Volcano
Soufriere Beach
Soufriere Beach
g4/78/617578/3/91108768.YbNKhqy6.jpg Help Me Lord
"Help Me Lord"
g4/78/617578/3/91109054.6sMDiYcV.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109056.ICoJINvi.jpg The Pitons from Soufriere Beach
The Pitons from Soufriere Beach
g4/78/617578/3/91109061.jkIbMTT4.jpg Our Tour Guide Victor
Our Tour Guide Victor
St. Lucia Flag
St. Lucia Flag
Rock Climbing on the Ship
Rock Climbing on the Ship
Sunset at Sea
Sunset at Sea
g4/78/617578/3/91109072.mSOcARGJ.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109076.J63QxeSZ.jpg
g4/78/617578/3/91109080.pdbQIV85.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109626.CLEfPjzC.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109627.HE6cQB1V.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109629.9LFAPcQq.jpg
g4/78/617578/3/91109631.wyV157gz.jpg Sunset at Sea Day 9
Sunset at Sea Day 9
g4/78/617578/3/91109633.X8vJufS5.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109634.F4B7aiCr.jpg
g4/78/617578/3/91109635.VWr0UdUN.jpg Ft. Lauderdale Hotel
Ft. Lauderdale Hotel
Bubba Gump
Bubba Gump
g4/78/617578/3/91109640.WCaz95W9.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109641.tHsXjUvV.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109643.QCPWWqI0.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109645.NsTIRcbs.jpg
g4/78/617578/3/91109646.7t0TdHaC.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109647.KyAcvlKE.jpg g4/78/617578/3/91109648.p3KnQLGA.jpg