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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Costa Rica tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Costa Rica

From a great trip with my wild and crazy brother Derek in August 2005. In just four days we sipped cervezas in San Jose, rode a local bus to the Pacific coast town of Jaco and swam with the iguanas in Manuel Antonio National Park.
San Jose Girl
San Jose Girl
Newspaper Seller
Newspaper Seller
g3/78/617578/3/53215308.August2005CostaRicaSet1080158.jpg San Jose Street Game
San Jose Street Game
Jaco Surfing
Jaco Surfing
Jaco Surfing
Jaco Surfing
Wipeout Jaco Style
Wipeout Jaco Style
Manuel Antonio Iguana
Manuel Antonio Iguana
Iguana Kiss?
Iguana Kiss?
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My Swimming Buddies
My Swimming Buddies