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Bird Photography

Bird Photography, Avian Life Photography
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Avian Life - Bird Photography
Eurasian Wryneck
Eurasian Wryneck
How many can you count!
How many can you count!
Purple Heron
Purple Heron
Whiskered Tern
Whiskered Tern
Black headed ibis
Black headed ibis
Whiskered Tern
Whiskered Tern
Black winged stilt
Black winged stilt
Black winged stilt
Black winged stilt
Barred Jungle Owlet
Barred Jungle Owlet
Baby looking out
Baby looking out
Indian Roller
Indian Roller
Indian Roller
Indian Roller
White eyed Buzzard
White eyed Buzzard
Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail
Wiskered tern
Wiskered tern
Black winged Stilt
Black winged Stilt
Intermediate Egret
Intermediate Egret
Black Tail Godwit
Black Tail Godwit
Black Tail Godwit
Black Tail Godwit
Black Tail Godwit
Black Tail Godwit
Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail
Rudy Shelduck
Rudy Shelduck
Rudy Shelduck
Rudy Shelduck
Plantive Cuckoo
Plantive Cuckoo
Greyheaded lapwing
Greyheaded lapwing
Purple Moorhen
Purple Moorhen
Purple Moorhen
Purple Moorhen
Ashy Crowned Sparrow lark
Ashy Crowned Sparrow lark
Lineated barbet
Lineated barbet
Green Bee eater
Green Bee eater
Common KF
Common KF
Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback
Large Egret
Large Egret
Raw 38 Borong DSC_982 Hoppoe.jpg
Raw 38 Borong DSC_982 Hoppoe.jpg
Lesser white throat
Lesser white throat
Lesser white throat
Lesser white throat
Grey Bushchat
Grey Bushchat
Blue throat barbet
Blue throat barbet
Lineated barbet
Lineated barbet
Lineated barbet
Lineated barbet
Pied KF
Pied KF
Great Egret - Purbasthali
Great Egret - Purbasthali
Purple Heron - Purbasthali
Purple Heron - Purbasthali
Pied KF Catch1 - Purbasthali
Pied KF Catch1 - Purbasthali
Pied KF Catch2 - Purbasthali
Pied KF Catch2 - Purbasthali
Pied KF Catch3 - Purbasthali
Pied KF Catch3 - Purbasthali
Pied KF - Purbasthali
Pied KF - Purbasthali
Common KF - Purbasthali
Common KF - Purbasthali
Rose ringed parakeets.jpg
Rose ringed parakeets.jpg
Jungle Babbler
Jungle Babbler
Black hooded  Oriole
Black hooded Oriole
Rose ringed parakeets
Rose ringed parakeets
Rose ringed parakeets
Rose ringed parakeets
Pond Heron
Pond Heron
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Brown headed gull
Golden Plover
Golden Plover
Blue-Throated Barbet
Blue-Throated Barbet
Blue-Throated Barbet
Blue-Throated Barbet
Chestnut bellied Nuthatch
Chestnut bellied Nuthatch
Olive-backed Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Grey Backed Wagtail
Indian Cuckoo
Indian Cuckoo
Indian Robin
Indian Robin
Paddy Pipit
Paddy Pipit
Openbill Flying
Openbill Flying
Hanging Parrot - Dooars
Hanging Parrot - Dooars
Hanging Parrot - Dooars
Hanging Parrot - Dooars
Hanging Parrot - Dooars
Hanging Parrot - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
Stork Billed KF - Dooars
White-Breasted KF - Dooars
White-Breasted KF - Dooars
Indian Roller - Dooars
Indian Roller - Dooars
Indian Roller - Dooars Locking on
Indian Roller - Dooars Locking on
Indian Roller - Dooars
Indian Roller - Dooars
Purple Rumped Sunbird Rajarhat,
Purple Rumped Sunbird Rajarhat,
Purple Rumped Sunbird, Rajarhat
Purple Rumped Sunbird, Rajarhat
Purple Rumped Sunbird, Rajarhat
Purple Rumped Sunbird, Rajarhat
Sparrow, Rajarhat
Sparrow, Rajarhat
Oriental magpie Robin, Rajarhat
Oriental magpie Robin, Rajarhat
Pond Heron, Rajarhat
Pond Heron, Rajarhat
Pond Heron, Rajarhat
Pond Heron, Rajarhat
Open bill, Rajarhat
Open bill, Rajarhat
Open bill, Rajarhat
Open bill, Rajarhat
Open Bill feeding, Rajarhat
Open Bill feeding, Rajarhat
Cattle Egret, Rajarhat
Cattle Egret, Rajarhat
Cattle Egret, Rajarhat
Cattle Egret, Rajarhat
Open Bill, Rajarhat
Open Bill, Rajarhat
Common Myna, Rajarhat
Common Myna, Rajarhat
Crested Serpent Eagle, Simlipal national Park
Crested Serpent Eagle, Simlipal national Park
Jungle Myna, Rajarhat
Jungle Myna, Rajarhat
Oriental Magpie Robin, Rajarhat
Oriental Magpie Robin, Rajarhat
Red vented Bulbul, Rajarhat
Red vented Bulbul, Rajarhat
Red vented Bulbul, Rajarhat
Red vented Bulbul, Rajarhat
Common Hoopoe - Simlipal
Common Hoopoe - Simlipal
White Throated Thrush - Simlipal
White Throated Thrush - Simlipal
Crested Serpent Eagle - Simlipal
Crested Serpent Eagle - Simlipal
Crested Serpent Eagle - Simlipal
Crested Serpent Eagle - Simlipal
Red-Vented Bulbul, Rajarhat
Red-Vented Bulbul, Rajarhat
Common Tailor Bird, Rajarhat
Common Tailor Bird, Rajarhat
Little Scaly Billed Green Woodpecker - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Little Scaly Billed Green Woodpecker - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Little Scaly Billed Green Woodpecker - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Little Scaly Billed Green Woodpecker - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Greater Coucal - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Greater Coucal - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Brown Fish Owl - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Brown Fish Owl - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Brown Fish Owlet - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Brown Fish Owlet - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Parakeet - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Parakeet - Chinatamani Kar, Kolkata
Intermediate egret - Satragachi Jheel
Intermediate egret - Satragachi Jheel
Pond heron - Satragachi Jheel
Pond heron - Satragachi Jheel
Whistling duck - Satragachi Jheel
Whistling duck - Satragachi Jheel
Vultures, Rajarhat
Vultures, Rajarhat
Vulture, Rajarhat
Vulture, Rajarhat
Vulture, Rajarhat
Vulture, Rajarhat
Yellow Backed sun Bird , Rajarhat
Yellow Backed sun Bird , Rajarhat
Eagle, Rajarhat
Eagle, Rajarhat