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Jeroen Bosman | profile | all galleries >> SOMEHOW: experiments, concepts >> Offizion tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


Had the chance to visit a brand new building housing the offices of Rijkswaterstaat, a government body responsible for planning and maintaining Dutch main roads, waterways and dams. The gallery is my visual conversation with the building. I enjoyed the chat, but we did have a bit of an argument.

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be silent, son
be silent, son
let´s build the future
let´s build the future
the living
the living
meet my friend, Mr. Moiré
meet my friend, Mr. Moiré
verre des collisions
verre des collisions
down the drain
down the drain
only superficial change
only superficial change
looking down on your own water
looking down on your own water
office light 2.0
office light 2.0
spic & span
spic & span
the family has just left the building
the family has just left the building
gang of four
gang of four
we want light  constructions
we want light constructions
the Dutch' own little acre
the Dutch' own little acre
planning for cars
planning for cars