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Jeroen Bosman | all galleries >> SOMEWHAT: anything else >> prize winners and honourable mentions in photo contests > winner S&T competition 129
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winner S&T competition 129

this image won the first prize in the 129th S&T contest on pbase:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 08-Feb-2010 23:30
Beautiful shot
Guest 03-Nov-2009 21:33
very nice, love the colors
An De Wilde11-Oct-2009 07:50
mooi !
monica memoli07-Sep-2009 06:22
Wow! What a beauty! v
Guest 25-Aug-2009 21:29
Well deserved 1st. prize, Congratulations!!
Inga Morozoff15-Aug-2009 15:58
Gorgeous, prachtig! Congrats!
Maaike Huizer13-Aug-2009 10:55
Gefeliciteerd, Jeroen. Congratulations with your first place in de show and tell competition. Well deserved. I am curious what the next theme will be.
Peter Stubley10-Aug-2009 12:31
Excellent composition and use of depth of field.
Fay Stout30-Mar-2009 18:44
These mushrooms are like the ones I see in fairytales with little gnomes or fairies sitting on top of or underneath. Beautiful! V.
PauloCGama17-Mar-2009 01:02
Outstanding light and details. V
wernere0113-Oct-2008 02:32
This is great. Like how it´s fading into the background.
Guest 15-Sep-2008 08:32
These mushrooms are indeed a photographic delight!
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