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In the Dutch mountains

At first although I did notice the scene out of the corner of my eye as I rode past it on my bicycle. I did slow down for a moment but thought it not interesting enough. But for some reason or other I stopped 50 yards further down that road and contemplated, then I walked back and thought, well, why not try and make the most of it? As you know the Netherlands are more or less flat so you got to use every relief you can get.
I like this one because of the somewhat silly posture of the cow and the fact that with a big dose of imagination you could mistake this mountain for Uluru, because of the way it rises out of the flat grassland.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
anuschka31-Dec-2012 11:02
Ja, prachtig beeld!!!
Waar contemplatie/locatie per fiets toe kan leiden!
Plus een origineel denkraam natuurlijk ;-) BV.
Bernard Bosmans17-May-2010 12:48
Uluru, that was also my first reaction.
You should go back one day Jeroen and wait for a spectacular sun set on your "rock". V.
Andrew Bott17-May-2010 00:58
Maybe this is what inspired the classic song by The Nits? I think comparisons with Uluru are stretching it a bit though:)
Dennis Camp15-May-2010 14:27
That is one big cow pie ... well seen
norbi06-Apr-2010 18:22
This composition corrected my present imagination of Your Dutch homeland.
Funny shot. v. norbi
RJvdLeij05-Dec-2009 11:43
haha mooi! Ik zag pas na het lezen van de tekst dat het echt geen berg is! Buitenkans in eigen land!
Jean-Claude Liehn10-Nov-2009 20:09
Back on this one. One of the funniest Netherland picture I have seen.
Did you try to sell it to some tourist office ? If you find one with some sense of humor, they will buy it !
Carol How08-Nov-2009 20:30
Great imagination and the juxtaposition of subjects is wonderful!
Cheryl30-Oct-2009 21:05
yes If I squint real hard can imagine agree "very whimsical" and quirky, I like quirky. well done
Sue Robertson20-Oct-2009 22:45
Uluru?? Well with a bit of imagination.maybe.. But i just love this almost whimsical image.
Well worth going back for. vv
Guest 20-Oct-2009 21:59
cute scene :) V
regi olbrechts20-Oct-2009 21:07
Geweldig surrealistisch Jeroen. Ongelofelijk.
Lijkt wel gemonteerd beeld. Héél knap.
Big vote.
lou_rozensteins19-Oct-2009 23:45
I like the allusion to Uluru! The centralisation of the subject is different too. Well done.
Thomas19-Oct-2009 19:32
Ernst van Loon19-Oct-2009 17:53
Jij vindt ook altijd iets bijzonders, hè?! [v]
Marcia Rules19-Oct-2009 16:43
neat and whimsical image! V
Jean-Claude Liehn19-Oct-2009 04:51
Excellent subject, composition and light. A great picture.
silvia marmori19-Oct-2009 03:43
great land and light!
12318-Oct-2009 22:54
Beautiful. V
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