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Jeroen Bosman | profile | all galleries >> SOMEHOW: experiments, concepts >> Frame in frame tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Frame in frame

This is a gallery with copies from images from the original galleries, all having a frame within the frame. I would like to know what you think of these. Does the framing make these images more telling? Thank you for your thoughts.

after clicking an image, select 'original' below the image to view it in high quality (you need to do this only once)
g6/07/714607/3/83117947.khHStf3e.jpg g6/07/714607/3/83107959.4WaeLgwf.jpg at play
at play
bear bore
bear bore
g6/07/714607/3/74007698.BgV9ismf.jpg g6/07/714607/3/74009258.0jZl8pRR.jpg g6/07/714607/3/68043991.wfWlxvVz.jpg
welcome to Salton City
welcome to Salton City
that's it boy: focus on the car
that's it boy: focus on the car
Outside in
Outside in
Shattered vision
Shattered vision
brain storm
brain storm
imitation cast iron market hall
imitation cast iron market hall
g6/07/714607/3/75241017.vLVNyM0L.jpg new frames old
new frames old