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hans hendriks | profile | all galleries >> Flora & fauna >> Insecten/Insects tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


I try to get the right names with the pictures.
But I'm just an amateur biologist, feel free to comment
if you think I'm wrong.

I already got a lot of help from:Piet Brouwer and Chris van Gijs

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Terellia tussilaginis, (Fabricius, 1775)
Terellia tussilaginis, (Fabricius, 1775)
u26/hhf/medium/31664874.040711014b.jpg u44/hhf/medium/28688145.251_5190b.jpg Lucilia caesar Keizersvlieg
Lucilia caesar
u35/hhf/medium/31907070.040718014b.jpg u43/hhf/medium/33613347.040902031b.jpg Sarcophaga carnaria Dambordvlieg
Sarcophaga carnaria
Sarcophaga carnaria Dambordvlieg
Sarcophaga carnaria
Bladluis op riet
Bladluis op riet
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