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hans hendriks | profile | all galleries >> Flora & fauna >> Insecten/Insects tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


I try to get the right names with the pictures.
But I'm just an amateur biologist, feel free to comment
if you think I'm wrong.

I already got a lot of help from:Piet Brouwer and Chris van Gijs

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Myrmeleotettix maculatus Knopsprietje
Myrmeleotettix maculatus
Tettigonia viridissima Grote groene sabelsprinkhaan
Tettigonia viridissima
Grote groene sabelsprinkhaan
Nimf moerassprinkhaan
Nimf moerassprinkhaan
Corizus hyoscyami Kaneelwants
Corizus hyoscyami
u6/hhf/medium/32679720.040815030b.jpg Eurydema oleracea Koolschildwants
Eurydema oleracea
Palomena prasina Green shield bug Groene Stinkwants
Palomena prasina
Green shield bug
Groene Stinkwants
 Rhaphigaster nebulosa Grauwe schildwants
Rhaphigaster nebulosa
Grauwe schildwants
 Rhaphigaster nebulosa Grauwe schildwants
Rhaphigaster nebulosa
Grauwe schildwants
Dolycoris baccarum, Sloe bug, Bessenwants
Dolycoris baccarum, Sloe bug, Bessenwants
Gonocerus acuteangulatus Box bug Smalle randwants
Gonocerus acuteangulatus
Box bug
Smalle randwants
Cercopis vulnerata Bloedcicade
Cercopis vulnerata
Vespula vulgaris Gewone wesp
Vespula vulgaris
Gewone wesp
Vespula vulgaris Common wasp Gewone wesp
Vespula vulgaris
Common wasp
Gewone wesp
Philanthus triangulum European beewolf Bijenwolf
Philanthus triangulum
European beewolf
Adrena Vaga Grey-backed mining bee Grijze zandbij
Adrena Vaga
Grey-backed mining bee
Grijze zandbij
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